You just have to love train travel in the US. I arrived at the station an hour before my scheduled departure. As that time approached it was obvious that all was not as advertised. The status board said the train was delayed, the announcement said service was suspended, the app said it was on time and the information agent thought it was 7 hours late. People were scrambling for alternatives. As I was pondering my options, the 830 Amtrak train arrived, it was now 1:20pm, the conductor said my train was just entering Newark and would arrive soon. It did and south I went. Managed to get a $16 microwaved hamburger for lunch, I’m sure dinner will be equally as delicious and economical.
Finally arrived in Roanoke at 2345 hours. Tired and hungry, but safe.
I’ll Uber to the trail at 0640 in the morning.
Whistler signing off for now.