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Updated: Jul 31, 2019

Carlos Col to Trident Col

Up early and on the trail again by 630. The plan is for 10.5 miles of what is promised to be a less challenging day then the first thing I encounter is another uphill rock scramble. Not long, only a few hundred feet but enough to scrub off all the scabs that had formed on my knees and elbows overnight. Oh well, who needs all that blood anyway. Eventually I made my way to the top of 3600 foot high mountain. Success- where I paused to eat blue berries and cloud berries. At least I think they were cloud berries. Whatever they were they were very tasty. The day grew to be very hot and humid, high eighties according to the local weather and that took all the steam out of my legs. I thought of pushing further to get into the town if Gorgham, but couldn’t make that happen, so around 3, In hung my hammock and rested for the afternoon. Tomorrow is a short 7 miles into town and a night at the hostel where I will buy food and perhaps get a pizza and a couple beers for dinner. Thursday is the approach to Mount Washington with the summit, on Friday, so I’ll need all the carbs I can get. So for now a tired, black and blue Whistler signing off.

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Jul 31, 2019

Unfamiliar with cloudberries, I googled it. In addition to tasting like a cross between raspberries and red currants and typically found in your neck of the woods—Maine and New Hampshire, they are also found in Greenland, Alaska and Northern Canada. As special, tasty and rare as they are, don’t get any ideas!


Jul 31, 2019

Amazing views Mike....hang in there!

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