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8/2- Made it to within 100 miles of Katahdin!

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

Another huge and tasty breakfast at Shaws. I’ll miss all the good food, but off. I must go back on my 1200 calorie a day diet. The walk today was an easy one. The trail was smooth and my legs were strong. It’s amazing how a few good meals will make you feel. No big climbs today, they are yet to come, but I did have to cross two Hargrove streams. The water wasn’t too high, or fast, but I did manage to loose one of my water bottles in....wait for it.... Big Wilson Creek. Oh well, I’ll just have to stop more often to fill up. As has become the norm, I passed lots of streams and ponds. Had a few sprinkles of rain, but all in all, an excellent first day in the 100 mile wilderness.

Until the next post, Whistler out.

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