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Updated: Aug 6, 2019

The end of another season for Whistler.... Today, I have the simple task of walking back to the summit of Mt. Washington from Lake in the Clouds Hut then finding my way down to Pinkham Notch Visitor Center. Sounds simple right? Well, the day dawned with promise, but it soon becomes clear there may be some challenges ahead. The clouds are closing in on winds in excess of 35 mph and visibility is, well, it doesn’t really exist. I put on my insulating layers, including a puffy down jacket and gloves, and walk the 1.5 miles back to the summit, with a clear view of only the rocks at my feet. It’s only about 45 minutes later, when I reach the summit, where standing unaided is almost impossible, and I learn that the well thought out plans of the day just got flushed. You see I’d planned to walk to the summit then take a shuttle to the visitors center. Now I’m being told the shuttles aren’t running due to an event for special athletes. My options are to wait three hours or put on my big boy pants and walk. Walking it is! Another 5 miles via the auto road to a point where the AT crosses, then 2 miles through the woods. Off I go into the near hurricane force winds staggering left and right as the wind buffets the mountainside and me. I made it safely to the bottom with my wounded boots still staying together, thanks to duct tape and heavy string, and your prayers.

So another season has ended on the AT for Whistler. I want to thank Debbie for enduring my crazy adventures and all your support. I’d also like to give a shout out to all the friends I met and re-met this year And to my new friends from the triathlon club thanks for all the memories and friendship. I will never forget the night in the Madison Spring Hut where I laughed so hard during the explanation and demonstration of the “FUD”. Thankfully, no one saw or mentioned my red face, but to me it was priceless. Good luck and health to all, and until the next hike....this is Whistler signing off.

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