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April 2021 - Day 1- NY to WV

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Today is a day of modern travel; up before dawn, limo to the Amtrak station at Newark Airport, followed by a 3 hours train ride to Washington’s Union Station where there is another wait of just over 3 hours, then the 2 hour train ride to Harpers Ferry WV. This is my final destination for today, where I will grab a bite to eat and relax at the Towns Inn, which is just a couple minutes walk to the trail in the morning. It’s still strange traveling in the aftermath of COVID. In times past the stations would be packed and the trains frequent, neither is true today. Take any seat you want in the station, no one is going to ask for it or for that matter even sit close to you.

The weather’s nice today although it started out a little chilly. Tomorrow is forecasted to be 85 on the trail so an early start will be the plan. I’ve met another section hiker while waiting for the train and he is also staying at the Inn so maybe I will have company at dinner. And yes, I asked, he’s had his vaccine, too. Tomorrow he heads north and I will go south. I feel sorry for him as he can’t fathom how nasty the trail will be when he gets to PA. I’m glad all that’s in my past.

Until tomorrow, Whistler signing off.

Wishing you all happy trails.

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1 comentário

27 de abr. de 2021

Good luck and safe travels Mike🙏😀

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