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Day 12 & 13 glorious

All things considered, these past two days, were without question, about as good as it gets. The weather was perfect and the trail was gentle and mostly free of rocks. Sure there was some mud and some bugs, but that’s to be expected. Yesterday, I managed 15 miles by lunch then was fortunate enough to have a family invite me to their picnic when I stopped to eat. They had lots of food and the best mint tea I think I can remember. After lunch, it was a short 4.5 mile walk to the shelter where I set up and ate before the bugs ate me. Today, was another beautiful day. I managed 15 miles. After lunch made a short 3 miles to a hostel where both me and my clothes could get a bath. Between yesterday and today, I passed two “half way” signs -as that point changes every year with the actual trail length. Looks like rain for the rest of my short trip into Harpers Ferry, but I cant change it, or worry about it. So until tomorrow; Whistler signing off.

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