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Day 16 a long one but close to done

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

Today, was another picture perfect day to hike. I managed 21 miles in 8 1/2 hours and I sure feel it. I usually like to keep my miles around 17/18, but the forecast for tonight and tomorrow is for rain, so I wanted to get in as many rain free miles as I could. Tomorrow, I’ll do 7.5 miles to get to the Harpers Ferry Hostel, where I’ll dry out and clean up, then do my laundry. Friday, I’ll make a short walk into town and enjoy this historic village, before heading into DC, Sunday, in preparation for Wesley’s school trip. It’s been another great hike, with more to come. Whistler signing off, to head to the hammock.

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Lucy Timm
Lucy Timm
Jun 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day🎈

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