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Day 21. A marathon, but worth it.

Updated: Jul 25, 2018

Today, broke to a few puffy white clouds but no rain in sight. My shorts are wet, my shirt is wet, my pack is wet, as are my shoes and socks. Oh well, maybe they’ll dry on the hike. Today’s goal is 22 miles which will put me at a shelter just below the peaks of Glastenbury Mt. The trails are still ankle deep in mud, in the shallow spots, but not much can be done. Dodging the deepest parts are futile, as the shoes and socks are still wet. A couple of big climbs, today, even though the shorts and shirt dried a little, they are soon saturated with sweat. So suck it up and trudge on. Lots of people on the trail now. The first 100 or so miles, of the AT, is also the southern portion of Vermont’s famous, Long Trail. This section gets lots of traffic and it shows in the shelters. You can always tell the weekend hikers, as they like sleeping in the shelters with the mice and bugs. After a while, you learn your tent, or for me, hammock, is a lot better in just about every way. It may rain tonight, but I hope to stay dry. I’ll walk 13 miles tomorrow, then take a zero day Thursday,

in Shushan. So here’s Whistler signing off until Friday.

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