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Day 30 Tellers of Tall Tales

Got a ride 25 miles down the trail so I could walk back to be at the Inn, Friday. Nice easy walk on gentle trails. Got to a shelter around 5 and shortly thereafter the tales began. There were two “hikers” at the shelter. Both looked like it was their first day on the trail. A girl named, Steady, said she started in Georgia, in March, and just got into camp and was exhausted after hiking 6 miles, but she said she’d be alright because she was going to sit right where she was, and eat the 20 or so pounds of food she’d carried all day. Then there was Free Bird, a guy who proceeded to tell us all he's been doing 48 miles a day, but his foot was sore, so he stopped early. Hmmmm? Neither of them looked like they’d hiked more than a few blocks, but maybe? Then they started a big fire, and they and several others, sat there keeping the rest of up for hours. They told each other all of their tales from the trail. It didn’t take long for me to realize what I was hearing were passages out of “A Walkin the Woods”. I should have saved my money on buying the book. Finally, they too decided to turn in All and all, a good and entertaining day. Only 24 miles, but I’m that much further down the trail. Whistler signing off.

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