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Day 34. Things are heating up

Updated: Aug 7, 2018

90 degrees and all the locals are wilting. 90 degrees and all the hikers are pushing through. The trails today were great, even with the heat. The ups and downs were mild and the trail dry. I am now officially out of the Green Mountains and into New Hampshire. Had a few good vistas, today, including a ruby red sun to start the day. I had an opportunity to eat some black berries along the way and take a couple photos of interesting mushrooms. Tonight, I’m set up at a shelter just a mile from Dartmouth College with several other hikers. I hope the heat breaks tomorrow and the rain holds off, but I can’t control either, so I’ll manage the 15 miles I’ve planned, it’s 3 less than today. Won’t be long and I’ll be in the White Mountains, and if the weather is good, that will be great. So until tomorrow, here’s Whistler signing off, so I can eat my dinner of biscuits and gravy, with crumbled potato chips.

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